Episode 17: Healing From Divorce: The Power of Mediation

Episode 17: Healing From Divorce: The Power of Mediation
Episode 17 covers the topic of divorce, as Barry Davis joins me to discuss the power of mediation and how it can help decrease some of the emotional trauma of divorce. Barry shares his perspective as both a clinician and a conflict resolution expert.

Barry Davis specializes in helping clients through the divorce process in the most constructive, affordable manner possible. He draws on extensive training in mediation and counseling, including two Masters Degrees (Clinical Psychology and Conflict Management) and over 800 hours of legal/mediation training, to help his clients address both the practical and the emotional aspects of divorce. Barry serves on the Torrance Family Court and Second Appellate District mediation panels, is an adjunct professor at Azusa Pacific University and worked as a staff mediator with the Disability Mediation Center.
Website: www.DavisMediation.com